Last week, my good blogger buddy Ray from BritishMumUSA (previously interviewed on my blog in Bake My Brownies) nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Each nominee must answer a series of fun questions, then nominate 7 other bloggers and provide a list of ten questions for them to answer. It’s like a chain letter, but infinitely more enjoyable.
Surprisingly, I was also nominated by Crunchy, Crafty, and Highly Caffeinated just a few days later. I’m beginning to feel like the homecoming queen. Pardon me while I blush profusely! So, being the good sport that I am, and not because I love to talk about myself (of course), I’ll answer both sets of questions.
Round One: Questions from BritishMumUSA
1. What is your favorite time of day, and why?
I am not a morning person at all. I enjoy late afternoon when I get a minute to kick back on the couch and stretch my feet up to the window to warm up in the sun. I also like the end of the day when I feel like everything is done and I can stop feeling “on.”
2. What is your favorite dish to make and eat?
I go through phases. It used to be brownies. Right now, it’s apple crumble. I’ve made dozens of variations so far!
3. What is one weird thing on your bucket list?
Hershey, Pennsylvania. Specifically, the Hershey Hotel. Something about the history of the place just fascinates me- not to mention the chocolate!
4. What is your favorite lazy thing to do?
Read. No, sleep! No, read! Seriously, though, it would have to be the ability to read as much as I want while curled up under a warm quilt, then fall asleep when my eyelids get heavy.
5. What one movie could you watch time and again?
OK, it’s not a movie, exactly. It’s a miniseries. The Pride & Prejudice miniseries produced in the UK starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. I could watch it indefinitely.
6. Where in the world would you live?
Sounds funny, but I’d live right here in Florida. I hate cold weather, and I love theme parks, and it’s just not home if you can’t cut the humidity with a knife. Someday, I’d like to live in the English countryside for a few months (see above, “Pride & Prejudice”).
7. What one thing drives you NUTS?
Eating alone without a book to read. It’s just not fun if I don’t have a book propped open.
8. What do you find funny, that you should not?
Women who wear high heels at theme parks. I suppose sisterhood should prevent me from laughing at them, but it doesn’t. Seriously, what kind of person wears four inch heels for a day at the Magic Kingdom?
9. What was your worst vacation ever?
Oh, I don’t even want to think about that! On one vacation my husband got very sick, and on another vacation I got very sick. Both times we had flown to get to our destination, and probably picked something nasty up at the airport.
10. You own a pet and he is featured in your blog as a spy, an assassin, or your conscience? Which, and why, and his name?
I’d have an assassin of sorts, but not the deadly kind. He would be a ferret named Pablo, and he would right wrongs by hitting people in the face with pies. He would take care of things when I get offended by someone.
Round Two: Questions from Crunchy, Crafty, and Highly Caffeinated
1. What is your favorite form of social media, and why?
Twitter, for its instant gratification and its lack of weird algorithms.
2. If you could live in another time in history where would you choose? What would you imagine your life to be like?
Oh, the future, definitely. I would have a flying car and everything would clean itself automatically.
3. What does your writing space look like?
It’s a corner of the kitchen counter, piled with wires, bills, and blank CDs.
4. Dream vacation… go!
A month in the UK and a month in France, followed by a month on a mountainous tropical island to recuperate.
5. What is your favorite dessert?
Um, all of them? No, really. All of them.
6. Glitter… friend or foe?
Friend, so long as I don’t have to clean it up.
7. You have a weekend to yourself. No responsibilities or chores to be done. What do you do?
Oh, wow, what a concept. A whole weekend? Let’s see. There would be loud Arabic pop music, followed by much bellydancing. (Nope, I’m not kidding. I’ve been doing it for almost 8 years and am actually pretty good at it.) There would also be long sessions of reading and dozing off. I would luxuriate in eating my meals slowly and with a book in hand. I would go window shopping and eat out. I would watch long costume dramas on TV and eat kettle corn.
I just realized that I mentioned eating a lot. Have I mentioned that I enjoy eating?
8. The alarm goes off in the morning, what does your morning look like?
Three words: “Run, Forrest, run!”
9. Coffee, tea, cider, or hot cocoa? Favorite brand?
Hot cocoa, hands down. I love natural cocoa, and keep Ghirardelli Natural Unsweetened Cocoa in my cupboard all the time. I treated myself to some Scharffen-Berger cocoa this week and am enjoying it greatly.
10. What store could you max out your credit cards in?
Ha, great question! The practical side of me says that it would be a home improvement store and I would hire them to redo my bathrooms. The impractical side of me says a shopping mall, where I would learn to wear clothing other than a fitted black t-shirt and denim bottoms every single day of my life. Don’t get me wrong- I like my look; it’s been honed (or should I say whittled?) to a science over a number of years, but I harbor secret fantasies of a wardrobe full of fabulousness. Don’t tell anyone.
My Nominees
And now, here are my nominees:
- Kitchen Serf
- Giramuk’s Kitchen
- Kitchen Trials
- GO Epicurista
- The Ninja Baker
- Uber Cool Tips
- Cooking with Vinyl
If you’d like to participate, you may choose any ten questions from the questions listed above! Here are the other guidelines:
- Link to the person who nominated you.
- Add the award logo.
- Answer the questions your nominator has asked.
- Nominate 7 other blogs and let them know via comments.
- Ask your nominees 10 questions.
And please, please, PLEASE don’t feel obligated to participate. It’s just a bit of fun, and I’ll still love ya even if you don’t answer a list of crazy questions.
OK, now answer just one random question in the comments. I bet your answer can’t be any stranger than mine!
Anne Marie
AWESOME answers!! Where did you learn bellydancing? I took a class once, but it was awful! Ha!
Thanks so much for playing along 🙂
I was too self conscious to attend a class, so I did a DVD at home for 6 months before finally trying a beginner class. I kept at it for years, going from beginner to more advanced. Now I even teach once in a while, but mostly I just practice at home for fun. I choreograph my own solos!
Dini @ Giramuk's Kitchen
Wow! 🙂 thank you for nominating me! and Congratulations for being nominated (twice!!!) too!
Love the list of questions too! I think my favourite is what I would do if I had an entire weekend with no responsibilities… all by myself! It wasn’t too long ago I did have that!
Marathon of horror movies and comedies (to counteract effects of the horror movies). PJs, Pizza, alcohol, unlimited grapes and a trip to my favourite market (which would be hard now that I don’t live in Australia anymore)
I love that you watched comedies to counteract the horror movies. 🙂 I’m such a delicate flower (ha!) these days that I can’t even watch horror movies any more, but back in the day I watched all the classics. Sounds like grand fun!
BaHahahahahaha Oh I am in love with Pablo and his pie throwing antics!!!! Brilliant mate. Yuck to those vacations and to think about getting back on a place while still sick double yuck!!! One day we will meet and I will eat one of your crumbles…. They look AMAZING!!!!! Thanks for playing… 🙂
It was a pleasure! And I have an apple crumble post coming on Monday that’s even a bit healthy, so you might like that too! 🙂